Ling Kwang Home for Senior Citizens Visit
Experience Ace was honoured to bring Lego Mindstorms EV3 to the senior citizens or elderly together with the student leaders. It is important to contribute back to the society in a meaningful way.
The Home was established in 31 December 1983. An extended building was completed in November 1992 to cope with the demand for more bed space. It is a nursing home, which serves a maximum capacity of 350 elderly residents based on Christian values. Being a nursing home, the majority of residents are wheelchair bound or bed-ridden. We also have a Day Care Centre serving the elderly living within the vicinity. Our non-emergency ambulances with hydraulic lift facilities are available to transport these elderly clients.
Besides providing them with physical care, we also believe in addressing the Pastoral/social and emotional needs to ensure that our elderly are receiving holistic care in all areas. Pastoral/social care counselling by experienced staff is provided to those who are in need. The elderly residents are encouraged to stay as healthy and active as possible.
Certainly, the curiosity from the elderly has changed into good moments that they cannot forget from this visit by the student leaders to introduce them Lego Mindstorms EV3.